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Aflac is voluntary insurance, or an optional layer of financial protection.  And with healthcare on the rise, more Americans than ever are seeking an extra financial safety net for unexpected medical expenses.  Aflac is not major medical.  It pays indemnity payments directly to the policyholder for the person to use how they wish.  It pays on top of and inaddition to any other insurance that may or may not be in place.  It is portable, which means it goes with the person.  There are no medical exams, only a few health questions. 

We are an Independent Health Insurance Agency that specializes in helping Individuals and Small Business with The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).  We also offer Medicare, Life and Supplemental Plans.

At Oklahoma Farm Bureau we strive to provide the best customer service to meet your insurance needs. We provide a variety of insurance products such as home, auto, commercial, farm and ranch, life, financial products, and many more. We're always ready to provide a customizable and dependable insurance service to you.

Local Independent Insurance Agency with capabilities in all lines.  Home, Auto, Life, Commercial, Farm & Ranch, Boat/RV/Motorcycle, Health, Dental, Vision and much more.

At the Black Oak Alliance, we are dedicated to protecting your business and ensuring its continued success. As a trusted partner, we offer tailored commercial and personal insurance solutions designed to safeguard your assets, manage risks, and provide peace of mind.

Locally serving all of your Insurance Needs:
Auto, Home, Life, Commercial General Liability, Workers Comp, Business Auto, Bonds, Notary,, Motorcycle, Mobile Home, Farm/Ranch, Specialty Insurance

Hours of Operation
8:30 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday
Saturday By Appointment

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"I joined the Chamber to help bridge the gap between the business community, the City of Guthrie, organizations, our schools and neighbors because we are all invested. When we work together with the help of the Chamber, we thrive as a community. "

Menecca Gibbs, Owner of Cleveland & Co. Mercantile

"I love being an investor in the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce. It's great to be a part of the business community in Logan County. They provide us with a lot of marketing and sponsorship opportunities and our investment is well worth it every year!"

Blake Wimsey, Foundation Insurance & Risk Management

"The Guthrie Chamber of Commerce is a great partner in the community. As an active Church, it is important to us to be connected to businesses and other organizations that value relationship within the community. The Chamber goes above and beyond to make sure everyone stays connected with weekly events and fun activities. We love being a part of the Chamber!"

Ronnie Fields, First Christian Church

"The Guthrie News Leader regularly partners with the chamber as our goals are the same: connect businesses to the community. We not only enjoy attending the events the chamber presents, but also co-sponsoring events together. We’ve met new customers, contacts and lifelong friends through the chamber and we consider them part of our team."

Karan Ediger, Publisher for the Guthrie News Leader