Business Directory

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Two Guthrie native Momma’s who love to create and design! We are the local Guthrie town & Spirit wear headquarters!!

Mother and daughter owned boutique that offer various styles of western wear, accessories, and we can brand your cowhide purchases to add a personal touch.  We also have a Hat Bar where you are welcome to come in during store hours and personalize your own hat or do after hour group parties.

Local online retailer offering western wear for kids and their mamas. Shop online at , find us popped up at rodeos and events, or shop our booth inside Conscious Community Co-op.

We are a local custom screen printing company in Logan Co.  We specialize in great priced apparel for local businesses.  We also carry our own line of clothing that we sell at pop up shops and fairs.

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"I joined the Chamber to help bridge the gap between the business community, the City of Guthrie, organizations, our schools and neighbors because we are all invested. When we work together with the help of the Chamber, we thrive as a community. "

Menecca Gibbs, Owner of Cleveland & Co. Mercantile

"I love being an investor in the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce. It's great to be a part of the business community in Logan County. They provide us with a lot of marketing and sponsorship opportunities and our investment is well worth it every year!"

Blake Wimsey, Foundation Insurance & Risk Management

"The Guthrie Chamber of Commerce is a great partner in the community. As an active Church, it is important to us to be connected to businesses and other organizations that value relationship within the community. The Chamber goes above and beyond to make sure everyone stays connected with weekly events and fun activities. We love being a part of the Chamber!"

Ronnie Fields, First Christian Church

"The Guthrie News Leader regularly partners with the chamber as our goals are the same: connect businesses to the community. We not only enjoy attending the events the chamber presents, but also co-sponsoring events together. We’ve met new customers, contacts and lifelong friends through the chamber and we consider them part of our team."

Karan Ediger, Publisher for the Guthrie News Leader