''See Ya Later'' Foundation, Inc.

The ''See Ya Later'' Foundation is a local non-profit organization that began out of the inspiration of a 12-year-old boy who died of cancer in 2001. Scott Banke had a zest for life and a courage that motivates the mission of the Foundation which is to Inspire Youth and Encourage Families. 

The Foundation's 3 programs: 

1. Youth Camps/Opportunites: Basketball, Soccer, Football and Fishing Derbies are available for families with little-to-no cost. Also offered are Youth Compeititons; such as Cooking, Gingerbread House and Lego Competitions.

2. Scott Banke Memorial Scholarships: $2,500 Scholarships awards 10 Yamhill County High School Seniors for continued education.

3. Seeds of Hope: providing encouragement to families when a member is facing a life-threatening medical illness with no strings attached.  

Annual Golf Tournament|Scholarships|Youth Camps|Seeds of Hope|Champion Center






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