Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingPrint VersionNew SearchPrev1...1920212223242526NextProfileWhite Construction Companywww.whiteconst.comRob Mayo, Business Development/Relationship Mgr.; EmailGuy White, President; Email613 Crescent Circle # 100Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-898-5180Fax: 601-898-5190EmailConstruction Companies - General ContractorsProfileWhite Realty, Inc.www.whiterealtyms.comReal EstateDonny White; Email356 Highway 51 NorthRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-856-8856Fax: 601-856-8857EmailReal Estate Sales - Residential and/or CommercialReal Estate Developers & InvestorsProfileWiggins & Co. Photographywww.wigginsphoto.comDavid Wiggins, Co-owner; Email298 Commerce Park Drive, Suite ERidgeland, MS 39157Map601-853-3273EmailPhotographers / Photography StudiosProfileWilliford, McAllister & Jacobus, LLPwww.wmjlaw.comLaw FirmReeve G. Jacobus, Jr.; EmailJohn Robert White; EmailSamuel H. Williford; Email303 Highland Park Cove, Suite ARidgeland, MS 39157-6059Map601-991-2000Fax: 601-991-0859EmailAttorneysProfileWingStop Flavor Gets Delivered for FREE. Get yours now at or the Wingstop app.Melanie Landfair, General Manager; Email398 Hwy. 51 NorthRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-605-0504Fax: 601-899-5332EmailRestaurants & CateringProfileWingate by Bartholomew, Director of Sales; EmailSam Fair, Vice President; EmailTodd Glass, General Manager; EmailNikki Thames, Asst. GM; Email6485 I-55 Frontage NorthRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-977-6111Fax: 601-977-9630Hotels/MotelsProfileWINGS OF HOPE OUTREACH CENTER, INCElla Lewis, Director; Email624 Berridge DriveRidgeland, MS 39157Map769-284-1888EmailNon-profit OrganizationsProfileWireless Wizardhttp://www.wirelesswizardms.comAshton Ford, Regional Manager; EmailCourtney Terrell, Manager; Email1230 E. County Line Road, Suite FRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-957-6877EmailCellular Phones & Accessories - Sales & RepairProfileWord of Life Churchwww.thelife.ccPastor Joel Sims, Senior Pastor; EmailPastor Doug Wright, Pastoral Care; Email670 Highland Colony ParkwayRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-499-6000EmailChurchesProfileWright Step Enterprisewww.wrightstepenterprise.comKaren Goodman, CEO/Founder; Email116 Porter RidgeCanton, MS 39046Map601-918-2565EmailNon-profit OrganizationsProfileWYAB 103.9 FMwww.wyab.comRadio StationMatthew Wesolowski, Owner; EmailJosh West; Email740 Highway 49 North, Suite RFlora, MS 39071Map601-879-0093Fax: 601-879-9003EmailRadio StationsProfileYiayia's Greek Kitchenwww.yiayiasgreekkitchen.netLet us cook for you! Enjoy our Family Meals without having to leave the safety of your car. Curbside pick up is available for all that request it!We would like to thank all our customers for being so kind, supportive and appreciative during these rough times and we hope you’re all safe and healthy. We appreciate all of you!Chris Mangafakis, Manager; EmailDespina Mangafakis, Owner; Email587 Hwy. 51 North, Ste. JRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-853-1110EmailRestaurants & CateringProfileYoung Wells Williams Private Law Firm Matt Baldridge, Shareholder; EmailWes Daughdrill, Shareholder; EmailGriff Ellis, Executive Director; EmailJames H. Neeld, IV, Shareholder; Email141 Township Avenue, Ste. 300Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-948-6100Fax: 601-355-6136EmailAttorneysProfileYouth Villages Mississippiwww.youthvillages.orgLaKim Johnson; EmailPaige McCormick, Assoc. Director of Mississippi Programs; EmailRhonda Stempkovski, LPC, State Director Mississippi; Email805 South Wheatley Street, Ste. 240Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-572-3700Fax: 601-572-3701EmailNon-profit OrganizationsProfileZea Rotisserie & Barwww.zearestaurants.comZea Rotisserie & Bar is a polished casual restaurant, specializing in rotisserie meats and offering #FeelGoodFlavor through modern comfort food. Lynsay Conner, General Manager; EmailPriscilla Medina, Marketing Manager; EmailMeghan Riley, Catering Coordinator; Email1000 Highland Colony Pkwy., Ste. 10500Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-790-1616Fax: 601-790-1617EmailRestaurants & CateringProfileZoopendouswww.zoopendous.netGene Moore, Owner; Email1200 E. County Line RoadRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-954-4363EmailEntertainment / Amusement RidesChildren's Activity CentersNew SearchPrev1...1920212223242526NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info