The MPO created an FY2020-2023 Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP) that was approved by the MPO Council on May 1, 2019,
with the anticipation that 1) it would be a two-year TIP per the DelDOT change
in Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) publication policies and
2) any significant changes in the TIP projects, as defined in the STIP
Modification procedures of January 2011, would be amended into the
document. There were substantial changes in the projects identified in
the second year of the TIP.
Projects with significant changes that require the amendment process are:
From DelDOT:
- Rt 13 Walnut Shade Road to
Lochmeath Way: The budget was doubled from the previous CTP, and it
was well over the minimum change.
- The 2 Camden Bypass projects,
named initially North and South, was renamed to East/West w/ new elements,
limits, and budgets. Not really a change in projects but
recategorization of projects.
- The Crawford Carroll Road
project was suspended as DSU continued to use the involved and adjacent
properties for instruction
- The Duck Creek Road project was
- The N. Main St. Smyrna project
was added
- The Peach Tree Run (all)
project was added, from Voshell Mill Road to Irish Hill Road
From DTC:
- The Dover Facility Renovation
Budget was substantially increased
- (2) 30’ buses were added
- (7) 29’ LF buses were added
The MPO is required to amend the FY2020-2023 and add the FY2021-2024 projects
to align with the DelDOT CTP. The changes in the project names and limits
require the amendment to also clarify the changes in the TIP documents.
The MPO will amend the TIP for presentation at the next round of committee
meetings leading to Council consideration for adoption on September 2, 2020.
The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is a Federally
mandated not-for-profit that works with local, state and federal governments
along with local transportation organizations to ensure that transportation
planning and projects are done in compliance with Federal mandates to include
the Federal Clean Air Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act
For more information on the Dover/Kent County MPO, please visit or call Helen Wiles
at 302-387-6026.