
Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together


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We are open:
Friday - Sunday 11-7pm
To-Go, pick-up or delivery.


Starting this week, we will be changing our schedule and office times to comply with recommendations from the CDC.  If you have an existing routine appointment in the upcoming weeks, our staff will be reaching out to you individually to reschedule your appointment.  If you are scheduled as a recheck for an eye problem, your appointment will remain the same. As this a fluid situation, we will send weekly updates for any other office hour changes.

Office hours March 23-27
Monday 8:30-5:30
Tuesday-Friday 10:00-4:00

If you have an emergency eye problem (sudden vision changes, redness, pain, flashes/floaters, light sensitivity, etc.),  please give us a call instead of going to an emergency department or urgent care.

If you need to pick up your glasses or contact lenses, we are happy to deliver them to your car curbside during office hours or we can mail them to you. Any new contact lens order will be directly shipped to you from our contact lens supplier.

If you need refills on medication, please give us a call or send a text message at (601)-707-5255.

We appreciate your support and understanding during this time, and look forward to seeing you soon.

Stay healthy,

Your Crawford Eye Care family

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