Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev12345678NextIndustrial Service and SupplyProfiletruevalue.com1212 W. Lincoln St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-1817EmailAnita Soileau; EmailSporting Goods & Toys/WholesaleInformation Systems SolutionsProfile E. Main St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-506-2100EmailBo Soileau; EmailComputer ServicesInvenergyProfile South Wacker DriveChicago, IL 60606708-607-6840EmailSejal Dhindsa; EmailEnergyInvestar Bank, National Assn.Profile O. Box 598Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-5643EmailMatthew Marcantel; EmailBanks & Banking AssociationsJanet Mayeaux Fontenot Insurance Agency LLC-Farm BureauProfile2113 West Main St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-655-3750Fax: 337-363-2114EmailJanet Mayeaux Fontenot, Owner; EmailInsuranceJD Bank - Mamou BranchProfile Main St.Mamou, LA 70554337-468-5274EmailJD Bank - Ville Platte BranchProfile Box 3271311 W. LaSalle St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-4444EmailLisa Sylvester Fontenot; EmailBanks & Banking AssociationsJeanmard Inc.Profile Vocational Dr.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-1205EmailDavid Jeanmard; EmailHome ImprovementJody Cloud Trucking, LLCProfilePO Box 259Turkey Creek, LA 70585337-461-7729EmailHeather Cloud; EmailCement,Sand,Gravel & StoneKary's Roux & Pig Stand BBQ SauceProfile S.E. Railroad Ave.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-6100EmailRoss Lafleur; EmailFood Products, Services, Supplies & BrokersKolder, Slaven & Co LLCProfileP. O. Box 588Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-2792EmailCasey L. Ardoin CPA; EmailAccounting & Tax ServiceKrazy Cajun CafeProfile411 6th St.Mamou, LA 70554337-468-2552EmailDon Secia; EmailRestaurants/ClubsKVPI - Ville Platte Broadcasting CoProfileP O Box JVille Platte, LA 70586337-363-2124EmailRhonda Pucheu, General Manager; EmailMisty Parker, Assistant General Manager; EmailMusicalLA Cotton Festival, Inc.Profile1322 Lee StreetVille Platte, LA 70586337-831-3340EmailKelli Ritter Buller; EmailOrganizationsLakeview Park & BeachProfileP.O Drawer 1260Eunice, LA 70535225-328-2029EmailBonnie Kyzar; EmailRecreationLaLa’s Cookie CompanyProfile Ellen StreetVille Platte, LA 70586601-953-6411EmailClaudia Bertrand, Owner; EmailBakeriesChris LamkeProfileVille Platte, LA 70586EmailChris Lamke; EmailIndividualsLaVille Funeral HomeProfile E. Main St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-1100EmailDarin Bordelon; EmailFuneral Homes & Memorial ParksLinda LebsackProfile255 Debaillion Plantation Rd.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-831-5503EmailLinda Lebsack; EmailIndividualsLemoine Insurance AgencyProfile E. Main St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-7777Fax: 337-363-0028EmailDebbie Farr; EmailInsuranceNew SearchPrev12345678NextEvangeline Chamber Member Directory | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events | Job Search | Member Promotions | News | Request for Information