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Donna Sigmond, RDN, DACM, LAc, LCh,
CLT, FAAMFM, ABAAHP, Genomic Clinician

I am very passionate about what I do. My philosophy is that everyone wants to feel well, and it is my goal to help each person gain their balance and vitality. My reward comes from making a difference in the lives of my patients. My practice attracts a diverse range of patients with different concerns from all over the map. They include those who have not had success with conventional western medicine, those who cannot tolerate prescription medications, or those seeking a more wholistic approach. Although my main focus is prevention, I specialize in chronic illness with advanced study in immune dysfunction.

I spend time with each patient listening to and thoroughly understanding their problems and concerns. Whether a child with eczema or a senior with sciatica, I offer a plethora of treatment options to support the body’s own existing regenerative capabilities. I do this with personalized nutritional therapeutic diets, vitamin and nutrient repletion, herbal therapy, acupuncture/guasha/cupping/moxibustion, detoxification protocols, hormonal support, and more. I offer specialty testing of hormones, food, environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, candida, gastrointestinal function and microbial growth, heavy metals, and immune function.  

So whether your confused about what you should eat or if your health goals have eluded you it is important to consider a more personalized approach that takes your personal preferences, lifestyle, food intolerances combined with proper blood work and possibly genotype markers to create a very personal experience and plan.  This approach optimizes overall function; reduces inflammation and oxidative stress; increases metabolism, repair and immune balance.  So let’s get started in finding your WELLITUDE! 


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