Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...9101112131415...26NextJoe T's Wines & SpiritsProfilewww.joets.net286 Highway 51Ridgeland, MS 39157601-605-7602Fax: 601-605-7603EmailDavid Rushing, Operating Partner; EmailWines & SpiritsJohnny's Pizza HouseProfilehttps://johnnysph.com670 Hwy 51Ste. HRidgeland, MS 39157601-790-7333EmailMr. Dustin Lincoln, Marketing Director; EmailRestaurants & CateringJunior League of JacksonProfilewww.jljackson.org805 Riverside DriveJackson, MS 39202-1138601-948-2357EmailKaitlyn Vassar, President; EmailCivic OrganizationsKeesler Federal Credit UnionProfilewww.kfcu.org1300 Meadowbrook Drive, Suite 100Jackson, MS 39211888-533-7537Fax: 228-385-5535EmailJerrica Griffin, Dir of Branch Operations, Northern Reg.; EmailJared Rogers, Branch Manager; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsKeesler Federal Credit UnionProfilewww.kfcu.org733 Lake Harbour Drive, Suite FRidgeland, MS 39157601-385-4368Fax: 601-707-4006EmailLance Hafler, Branch Manager; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsKeesler Federal Credit UnionProfilewww.kfcu.org1944 Main StreetMadison, MS 39110888-533-7537EmailCaitlin Bradshaw, Comm Development Officer, Northern Reg.; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsKerioth CorporationProfilewww.kerioth.com361 Township Avenue, Suite 200Ridgeland, MS 39157601-368-9950Fax: 601-368-9975EmailClinton G. Herring, Jr.; EmailReal Estate Developers & Investors, Real Estate Sales - Residential and/or CommercialKillebrew Psychological ServicesProfilekillebrewpsychological.com241 Sunnybrook RoadRidgeland, MS 39157769-231-9414Fax: 601-707-7291EmailCounseling ServicesKirk Termite and Pest ControlProfilewww.kirkpest.comP. O. Box 2723Madison, MS 39130601-856-3704EmailMatthew Kirk; EmailPest Control ServicesKitchen Tune-UpProfilekitchentuneup.comMadison, MS 39110601-750-0190EmailCarlos Lloyd, Owner; EmailHome Improvement & Remodeling, Kitchen DesignKoestler PrimeProfilewww.KoestlerPrime.com1000 Highland Col. Pkwy, Ste 6001Ridgeland, MS 39157601-957-3753Fax: 601-709-3530EmailFine Dining, Steaks, SeafoodKoestler Prime, locally owned by Julie & Scott Koestler for 20+ years and located at Renaissance at Colony Park. Koestler Prime, reinvents the dining and private event experience. Still offers the same multi award-winning food and service that we have all come to know and love over the years!Scott & Julie Koestler, Co-owners; EmailRestaurants & CateringKrilakisProfilewww.krilakis.com207 W. Jackson Street, Suite DRidgeland, MS 39157601-790-9463EmailWe have two phone numbers you can reach us at now. This should speed up the ordering and curbside service. Thank you so much for your patronage during this time.601-790-9463 or 601-790-9467Order by phone for curbside service.Order through Waitr for our delivery service.Drew Creel, Owner; EmailRestaurants & CateringKyle Wynn & Associates, PLLCProfilewww.kyle-wynn.com7720 Old Canton Road, Suite BMadison, MS 39110601-978-1700Fax: 601-978-1770EmailKelly Kyle, Partner; EmailElizabeth Wynn, Partner; EmailAttorneys, Estate & Business PlanningLake Caroline Golf ClubProfilewww.randywatkinsgolf.com118 Caroline Club CircleMadison, MS 39110601-853-4023Fax: 601-853-4552EmailKyle Sisk; EmailGolf CoursesLake Harbour DentalProfilewww.cartersledgedental.com772 Lake Harbour Drive, Suite 2Ridgeland, MS 39157601-607-7876Fax: 601-607-7878EmailTaylor Ainsworth, Manager; EmailDr. Catherine C. Sledge, Dentist/Owner; EmailDr. Kellie Watts, Dentist; EmailDentistsLakey, TinaProfile125 Brittany WayMadison, MS 39110601-454-3518EmailTina Lakey; EmailFriends of the ChamberLandmark Lifestyles Assisted Living & Memory CareProfile Dyess RoadRidgeland, MS 39157601-767-1700EmailJacob Mccollum, RN, Director of Wellness; EmailLaura Romines, Executive Director; EmailJohn Springer, Environmental Service Director; EmailAssisted Living Facilities, Retirement FacilitiesLandrum Piano GalleryProfilelandrumspianotuning.com731 S. Pear Orchard Road, Suite 34Ridgeland, MS 39157601-447-2061EmailJoshua Landrum, Owner; EmailMusic StoresLe Beau Nail SpaProfile1051 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite BRidgeland, MS 39157769-300-3115EmailDuyen Le, Owner; EmailNail SalonsLee Hawkins Realty, Inc.ProfileP.O. Box 58Madison, MS 39130601-856-3898Fax: 601-856-3948EmailLee Hawkins; EmailReal Estate Sales - Residential and/or Commercial, Real Estate Sales - AcreageNew SearchPrev1...9101112131415...26NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info