Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...567891011...26NextEnhanced Wellness LivingProfileenhancedwellness.com115 West Jackson St., Suite 1 ERidgeland, MS 39157601-364-1132Fax: 601-364-1134EmailKelly Engelmann, Owner/Provider; EmailHealth Care Providers, Natural Wellness SolutionsEntergy MississippiProfilewww.entergy.com1165 Hwy. 51 NorthMadison, MS 39110800-368-3749Fax: 601-853-5930EmailUtilitiesEnvironment Masters Plumbing + AirProfilewww.environmentmasters.com123 Solleftea DriveMadison, MS 39110601-968-8720EmailWhen you need an HVAC or plumbing contractor, you don’t need to look any further than the professionals with Environment Masters. Our family owned company has been delivering quality plumbing & HVAC services since 1957, and our commitment to total customer satisfaction is as strong as ever. We have what it takes to provide the solutions to whatever issue you may be having. We also have a commitment to the communities we serve.Ben Nalty, President; EmailRaymond Nalty, CEO; EmailLance Neely, Vice-President; EmailHeating & Air Conditioning-Sales, Service & RepairsEunice B's Gift Wrap & MoreProfile574 Hwy 51Ridgeland, MS 39157769-289-1112EmailSuzannah R. Britt, Owner; EmailParty SuppliesEwing & Ray Foundation ServicesProfilewww.ewingandray.com116 Business Park DriveRidgeland, MS 39157601-856-3700Fax: 601-853-0275EmailFoundation Repair & drainage controlCorey Ray; EmailKip Ray; EmailFoundation Work/Drainage ControlExclusive TestingProfileexclusivetesting.com1368 Old Fannin Road, Suite 250Brandon, MS 39047601-203-2320EmailMyasia White, Asst. Director; EmailMakeba White-Chaney, Owner; EmailDrug Testing FacilityEXIT New Door RealtyProfilewww.exitnewdoorrealty.com207 W. Jackson Street, Suite 201Ridgeland, MS 39157601-488-3948EmailTony Bahou, Owner/Broker; EmailCandace Vincent, Office Administration; EmailReal Estate Sales - Residential and/or CommercialeXp Realty - Elaine and Ty MaiselProfileelainemaisel.exprealty.com7048 Old Canton Road, Suite 2004Ridgeland, MS 39157662-722-2776601-455-0101EmailElaine Maisel, Realtor/Salesperson; EmailTy Maisel, Realtor/Appraiser; EmailReal Estate Sales - Residential and/or CommercialThe Face & Skin North Lake Avenue, Suite 211Ridgeland, MS 39157601-815-3374Fax: 601-853-6307EmailCosmetic Skin Care, dermatalogy servicesJennifer Bryant, Director of Operations; EmailJoshua Clark, Dept. Business Administrator; EmailAllison Cruse, MD, Assistant Professor; EmailJoan Elliott, RN, Lead Nurse; EmailNancye McCowan, MD, Professor; EmailChelsea Mockbee, MD, Assistant Professosr; EmailLeslie Partridge, MSN, Nurse Practitioner; EmailKimberley Ward, MD, Professor; EmailPhysicians & Surgeons, Dermatologists, Skincare Services & ProductsFace Value Health DPC PLLCProfilefacevaluehealth.com201 Hwy 51 Unit ARidgeland, MS 39157601-790-7105Fax: 601-790-7865EmailDr. Michael Sanders, Physician Owner; EmailPhysicians & SurgeonsFaces, PLLCProfilewww.facesdr.com1115 Highland Colony ParkwayRidgeland, MS 39157601-607-3033Fax: 601-853-4939EmailA pioneering facial cosmetic surgery and skin care clinic dedicated exclusively to the care of the face and neck. Their beautiful clinic combines a relaxing atmosphere with the expertise of a Double Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. In addition to facial cosmetic surgery, they offer a wide range of facial services and treatments, as well an extensive array of professional-grade products. Faces is committed to ensuring their patients arrive at educated and realistic decisions regarding their aesthetic goals. Trust your face to a facial plastic surgeon.Dr. J. Randall Jordan, MD FACS; EmailSarah Tatum Smith, FNP-BC; EmailRobin Ellis, MNA CRNA; EmailDawn McCarley, Patient Coordinator; EmailMelissa Hill, Director of Finance; EmailPhysicians & Surgeons, Skincare Services & ProductsFCCI Insurance GroupProfilewww.fcci-group.com1020 Highland Colony Pkwy., Ste. 800Ridgeland, MS 39157601-366-1161Fax: 601-366-1515Tiffany Hawkins, Vice President; EmailReba Watkins, Executive Assistant; EmailInsurance CompaniesFirehouse SubsProfilefirehousesubs.com849 Lake Harbour Drive, Suite BRidgeland, MS 39157601-790-9064EmailWilliam Craig, Jr., Franchise Owner; EmailRestaurants & CateringFirst Commercial BankProfilewww.firstcommercialbk.com4450 Old Canton Road, Suite 101Jackson, MS601-709-7777Fax: 601-366-8733EmailCurt Gabardi, President & CEO; EmailJason McCleave, Credit Analyst; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsFirst Commercial BankProfilewww.firstcommercialbk.com600 Concourse, Suite 1501076 Highland Colony Pkwy.Ridgeland, MS 39157601-790-2770Fax: 601-790-2789Nathan Best; EmailChas Fulgham; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsFirst RidgelandProfilewww.firstridgeland.org302 W. Jackson StreetRidgeland, MS 39157601-856-6139EmailDr. Mark Byrd, Pastor; EmailDerrick Cowan; EmailChurchesFirst South Farm Credit, ACAProfilewww.FirstSouthLand.com260 Trace Colony Park DriveRidgeland, MS 39157601-898-8540Fax: 601-898-8511EmailRodney Brantley, President, MS Division; EmailEric Clark, Vice-President; EmailReal Estate/Farms & RanchesFLEET FEET JacksonProfilewww.fleetfeetjackson.com500 Hwy 51Ste ZRidgeland, MS 39157601-899-9696EmailSpecialty Running and Walking Retail stores with Locations in Ridgeland & FlowoodLesley Holleman; EmailShoes - Sales and/or Repair, Sporting Goods StoresForefront DermatologyProfile W. Jackson Street, Suite 2CRidgeland, MS 39157601-607-8222EmailDr. Amanda Daggett, MD, FAAD, Board-certified Dermatologist; EmailMiranda Jipson, Office Manager; EmailDermatologistsFruitritionProfilefruitrition.square.site735 Rice Road, Suite DRidgeland, MS 39157601-790-9623EmailNkemdili Lewis, Owner; EmailHealth Food Stores, Specialty Food & DrinkNew SearchPrev1...567891011...26NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info