Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingPrint VersionNew SearchPrev1...567891011...26NextProfileThe Face & Skin Skin Care, dermatalogy servicesJennifer Bryant, Director of Operations; EmailJoshua Clark, Dept. Business Administrator; EmailAllison Cruse, MD, Assistant Professor; EmailJoan Elliott, RN, Lead Nurse; EmailNancye McCowan, MD, Professor; EmailChelsea Mockbee, MD, Assistant Professosr; EmailLeslie Partridge, MSN, Nurse Practitioner; EmailKimberley Ward, MD, Professor; Email201 North Lake Avenue, Suite 211Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-815-3374Fax: 601-853-6307EmailPhysicians & SurgeonsDermatologistsSkincare Services & ProductsProfileFace Value Health DPC PLLCfacevaluehealth.comDr. Michael Sanders, Physician Owner; Email201 Hwy 51 Unit ARidgeland, MS 39157Map601-790-7105Fax: 601-790-7865EmailPhysicians & SurgeonsProfileFaces, PLLCwww.facesdr.comA pioneering facial cosmetic surgery and skin care clinic dedicated exclusively to the care of the face and neck. Their beautiful clinic combines a relaxing atmosphere with the expertise of a Double Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. In addition to facial cosmetic surgery, they offer a wide range of facial services and treatments, as well an extensive array of professional-grade products. Faces is committed to ensuring their patients arrive at educated and realistic decisions regarding their aesthetic goals. Trust your face to a facial plastic surgeon.Dr. J. Randall Jordan, MD FACS; EmailSarah Tatum Smith, FNP-BC; EmailRobin Ellis, MNA CRNA; EmailDawn McCarley, Patient Coordinator; EmailMelissa Hill, Director of Finance; Email1115 Highland Colony ParkwayRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-607-3033Fax: 601-853-4939EmailPhysicians & SurgeonsSkincare Services & ProductsProfileFCCI Insurance Groupwww.fcci-group.comTiffany Hawkins, Vice President; EmailReba Watkins, Executive Assistant; Email1020 Highland Colony Pkwy., Ste. 800Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-366-1161Fax: 601-366-1515Insurance CompaniesProfileFirehouse Subsfirehousesubs.comWilliam Craig, Jr., Franchise Owner; Email849 Lake Harbour Drive, Suite BRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-790-9064EmailRestaurants & CateringProfileFirst Ridgelandwww.firstridgeland.orgDr. Mark Byrd, Pastor; EmailDerrick Cowan; Email302 W. Jackson StreetRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-856-6139EmailChurchesProfileFirst South Farm Credit, ACAwww.FirstSouthLand.comRodney Brantley, President, MS Division; EmailEric Clark, Vice-President; Email260 Trace Colony Park DriveRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-898-8540Fax: 601-898-8511EmailReal Estate/Farms & RanchesProfileFLEET FEET Jacksonwww.fleetfeetjackson.comSpecialty Running and Walking Retail stores with Locations in Ridgeland & FlowoodLesley Holleman; Email500 Hwy 51Ste ZRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-899-9696EmailShoes - Sales and/or RepairSporting Goods StoresProfileForefront Dermatology Amanda Daggett, MD, FAAD, Board-certified Dermatologist; EmailMiranda Jipson, Office Manager; Email113 W. Jackson Street, Suite 2CRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-607-8222EmailDermatologistsProfileFruitritionfruitrition.square.siteNkemdili Lewis, Owner; Email735 Rice Road, Suite DRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-790-9623EmailHealth Food StoresSpecialty Food & DrinkProfileThe Gablesallegiant-carter.comGwendolyn Robinson-Jordan, Office, Property Manager - The Gables; Email880 William BoulevardRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-991-0202Fax: 601-991-0005EmailApartmentsProfileGarverwww.GarverUSA.comWayne Black, Project Manager; EmailFarmika Cooper, Regional Office Support Leader; Email1076 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite #325Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-825-3633EmailEngineersProfileGateway Rescue Missionwww.gatewaymission.orgRex Baker, Executive Director; EmailBen Edwards, Director of Operations; EmailMedia Montgomery, Store Supervisor; Email328 S. Gallatin StreetJackson, MS 39203Map601-957-8838EmailNon-profit OrganizationsProfileGenesis Physical Therapy Group TherapyGabe Hodges; EmailAngel Jennings; Email227 Highway 51Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-898-4324Fax: 601-898-4325EmailPhysical TherapyProfileGina Diamond's Flower Co.www.ginadiamondsflowerco.comGina Diamond, Owner; Email2160 Main Street, Suite FMadison, MS 39110Map601-707-7806EmailFloristsProfileGirl Scouts of Greater Mississippigsgms.orgBaylee Bible, Director of Fund Dev. & Communications; Email1471 W. County Line RoadJackson, MS 39213Map601-326-5650EmailNon-profit OrganizationsProfileDonald Keith Givan, DMDwww.highlandcolonydental.comTeresa Givan, Bookkeeper; Email200 Trace Colony Park Drive, Ste. ARidgeland, MS 39157Map601-898-2639Fax: 601-898-2765EmailDentistsProfileThe Glossary Salonglossaryhairsalon.comJaclyn Settlemire, Salon Manager; EmailKerri Welch, Owner; Email733 Lake Harbour Drive, Suite DRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-427-9010EmailHair SalonsProfileGoldman Fine Jewelerswww.goldmanus.comFarrukh Ijaz, Owner; EmailTahir Mehmood, Store Manager; Email1200 E. County Line Road, Suite 223Ridgeland, MS 39157Map601-956-6550EmailJewelersProfileGoodwill Industries of Mississippiwww.goodwillms.orgNon-Profit - Rehabilitation and Retail Sales Roy Johns, VP, Donated Goods Retail & HR/Marketing; EmailTammy Louvier, Volunteer Coordinator; EmailBrad Steffani, President; Email104 East State StreetRidgeland, MS 39157Map601-853-8110EmailNon-profit OrganizationsNew SearchPrev1...567891011...26NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info