8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday

Business Directory




HEAD: We believe that Jesus is the Head of our Church. Focusing on the Head is all about knowing Who Jesus is.

HANDS: The Hands refer to the people. The church is not a building but the people inside of it.

HEART: We believe in total depravity, which is Man’s natural condition apart from the grace given by God that redeems us.



Together We are a reaching, discipling, and sending church impacting generations for Christ.


We pray this is a place where you can “learn to follow Jesus.”. Our caring, accepting, and diverse congregation invites you to come and worship with us. We would love to meet you! Our mission statement above is a simple one. As disciples of Jesus Christ, our journey with Him is a lifelong quest. We invite you to join us as we further our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and grow in our discipleship through prayer, bible study, worship attendance, witness, tithing and service.

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