Member News

Youth Career Boot Camp & Brunch: Inspiring Tomorrow's Workforce
01/08/2024 09:01 AM

TROY, MI – The D-Rob Cares Foundation is excited to announce its upcoming "Youth Career Boot Camp & Brunch," a unique and inspiring event designed to equip youth with valuable insights into diverse career opportunities.

How the Brunch Fits into Our Mission:

At the D-Rob Cares Foundation, we aim to provide youth with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in their future careers. Our "Youth Career Boot Camp & Brunch" is a tangible embodiment of this mission, offering young individuals a unique opportunity to explore diverse career paths, make informed decisions about their futures, and access the guidance and mentorship necessary to reach their fullest potential. Through engaging discussions, interactive activities, inspiring presentations, and access to accomplished professionals, the event equips our youth with invaluable insights, ignites their passions and motivates them to dream big. It instills a sense of purpose and self-belief, empowering them to envision a brighter, more prosperous future.


Event Highlights:

• VIP Coffee Hour: A networking opportunity with esteemed speakers, business leaders, and youth attendees. 

• Career Exploration: Engaging in discussions on financial literacy, wellness, skilled trades, public safety, journalism, and more. 

• Interactive Activities: Hands-on budgeting exercises, career discussions, and group activities. 

• Inspiring Presentations: Career professionals and experts sharing their journeys and insights. 

• Exclusive VIP Speakers: Featuring Michigan Speaker of the House Joe Tate, Mayor Ethan Baker of Troy, Tara Tomcsik-Husak, CEO of the Troy Chamber of Commerce, and other distinguished guests. 

• Jessica Dupnack of Fox 2 News will host our event. 


Media Coverage: Opportunity to capture inspiring youth stories exploring their career options.

Why Attend:

The "Youth Career Boot Camp & Brunch" aims to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of leaders. This event provides a platform for students to interact with professionals from various industries, gain career insights, and network with potential mentors.


Interview Opportunities:

• Iesha Robinson, Co-founder and Executive Director, D-Rob Cares Foundation 

• Tara Tomcsik-Husak, CEO of the Troy Chamber of Commerce 

• Mayor Ethan Baker of Troy 

• Local business leaders and professionals 

• Youth participants eager to share their career aspirations and experiences 


Media Access:

Media representatives are invited to attend and cover this empowering event. Interviews, photo opportunities, and video footage will be available throughout the day.



Please confirm your attendance or request additional information by contacting:

Iesha Robinson

Executive Director/ Co-Founder

D-Rob Cares Foundation


Join us in making a difference in the lives of our youth and the future of our community. Together, we can inspire and empower the next generation of leaders.


About D-Rob Cares Foundation:

The D-Rob Cares Foundation is dedicated to providing youth with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in their future careers. Our mission is to empower and inspire young minds to explore diverse career paths, make informed decisions, and reach their fullest potential. Learn more at

Iesha Robinson
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