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2024 JROTC Scholarships Winners Honored
Dover, DE
05/28/2024 02:27 PM

In keeping with its motto “Never Stop Serving,” the Dover Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America awarded $5,500 in scholarships at their May 16 dinner meeting at Franco’s Pizza & Pasta. This year all three recipients were students at the First State Military Academy, Clayton.


Cadet Lt Col Tyler Johnes, son of Cheryl Johnes of Felton won the $2,500 Findlay Scholarship. Johnes will attend the US Air Force Academy and plans to become a pilot.


Cadet Colonel Kathleen Ford, daughter of Kim and Kraig Ford of Dover won a $1,5000 scholarship. Ford will attend Texas A&M and plans to work in Emergency Medicine.


Cadet Lt Col Jacob Walsh, also won a $1,500 scholarship. Walsh will attend the Coast Guard Academy and will study to become a civil engineer. His parents are Mr. Michael Walsh and Ms. Kimberlee Neal of Dover.


To make a tax-deductible donation to this scholarship fund, please visit or Contact LTC Mike Orlando, Chapter JROTC Scholarship Coordinator at


MOAA is a non-partisan veterans’ organization comprised of officers or former officers. MOAA is the country’s leading organization in preserving and protecting earned benefits for all ranks and all components of our uniformed services, veterans, their families, and surviving spouses through advocacy, leadership, education, and service. MOAA meets at Franco’s Pizza & Pasta on the third Thursdays of May through September, 5:00-8:00 p.m. See for details and to join. 


Photo: L-R

Major David McCombs, FSMA, Marine Instructor

Cadet Jacob Walsh

Cadet Kathleen Ford

(Findley Scholar) Cadet Tyler Johnes

Photo Credit: Lt. Gen. Bill Welser, USAF (ret.)

Gene Thornton
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