Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...16171819202122...26NextPrimos Cafe'Profilewww.primoscafe.com600 Crescent Blvd Ste ARidgeland, MS 39157-8645601-898-3400Fax: 601-898-3494EmailPrimos has many healthy and hearty dishes for you to choose from! Check out our regular menu online and our feature menus listed here and call us today with your take out or curb-side pick up order. Use the hashtag on a photo of your takeout meal of choice to help spread the word. :)- thank you, your Primos team , General Manager; EmailRestaurants & Catering, BakeriesPriorityOne BankProfilewww.priorityonebank.com661 Sunnybrook Road, Suite 160Ridgeland, MS 39157601-414-2100Fax: 601-414-2117EmailLauren Adkins, VP - Banking Services Manager; EmailEddie Woodard, President; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsThe ProAction Oakmont TrailRidgeland, MS 39157540-520-4227EmailCore Values: Principled | Passionate | Helpful | Humbly ConfidentChristopher Jackson, Business Consultant; EmailBusiness Development & Management ConsultantsProfessional Eyecare AssociatesProfilewww.proeyems.com224 Waterford SquareMadison, MS 39110601-605-2259Fax: 601-856-0195EmailFor Over 25 Years, we’ve been meeting all of your eye care and eyewear needs.Built on the foundation of patient convenience and satisfaction, Professional Eyecare Associates serves all of your family’s eye care needs under one roof. Come visit our modern facilities and friendly staff!We utilize state-of-the-art technology and ongoing education to ensure that our patients receive the best eye care in the state of Mississippi. From comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of eye disease to fashionable glasses, we are here to serve you in a caring and personal manner.Dr. Jimbo Bearden; EmailSissy Lloyd, Marketing Coordinator; EmailDr. Josh Massey; EmailDr. Michael Phillips; EmailDr. Melissa Rasmussen; EmailOptometrists & OpticiansProfessional Eyecare AssociatesProfilewww.proeyems.com6704 Old Canton RoadRidgeland, MS 39157601-957-9292Fax: 601-957-7585EmailFor Over 25 Years, we’ve been meeting all of your eye care and eyewear needs.Built on the foundation of patient convenience and satisfaction, Professional Eyecare Associates serves all of your family’s eye care needs under one roof. Come visit our modern facilities and friendly staff!We utilize state-of-the-art technology and ongoing education to ensure that our patients receive the best eye care in the state of Mississippi. From comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of eye disease to fashionable glasses, we are here to serve you in a caring and personal manner.Dr. Julie Dawson; EmailDr. Ann Edwards; EmailDr. Josh Massey; EmailDr. Michael Phillips; EmailOptometrists & OpticiansPurple Creek Mobile HomeCommunity & Self StorageProfilewww.homewoodcommunities.com300 Hwy. 51Ridgeland, MS 39157601-856-4323Fax: 601-853-9118EmailHonor Reed, Manager; EmailStorage ServicesQuinn Healthcare, PLLCProfilewww.QuinnTotalHealth.com768 North Avery Blvd.Ridgeland, MS 39157601-487-6482Fax: 601-487-6528EmailSynola Martin, Office Manager; EmailDr. Timothy Quinn, Family Practitioner; EmailClinics & Medical Groups, Physicians & SurgeonsR. J. Young CompanyProfilewww.rjyoung.com2030 NW Progress ParkwayJackson, MS 39213601-948-2222Fax: 601-368-9376Office Equipment, Document Management Software, Print ConsultantsRussell Bain, Sales Manager; EmailDoug Montgomery, Operations Manager; EmailPaul Nader, Sales; EmailOffice Equipment/Office Furniture/Office SuppliesRaising Cane's Chicken FingersProfilewww.raisingcanes.com930 E. County Line RoadRidgeland, MS 39157601-909-3530Fax: 601-977-8379You hungry? We're open! During stay-at-home mandates you are allowed to go through Raising Cane’s drive thrus as we are considered an essential business. We look forward to serving you while practicing proper social distancing.We are an essential business which means we’re able to keep our drive thrus open, and offer takeout, to serve our Customers and Communities safe and hot meals. So why not shelter-in-place with delicious chicken fingers?Dustin Douglas, General Manager; EmailMorgan Page, Marketing; EmailRestaurants & CateringRaymond Highland Colony Pkwy., Suite 100Ridgeland, MS 39157601-856-1207EmailKaleb Lovertich, Financial Advisor; EmailInvestment CounselorsReBourne Aesthetics and WellnessProfileReBourne.org357 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 204Ridgeland, MS 39157601-503-0335EmailLarona Searcy, Owner/FNP-C; EmailHealth Care Providers, Natural Wellness SolutionsRegenerative Medical and Wellness CenterProfile Highway 51Madison, MS 39110769-300-9040EmailJoyce Burton, Clinic Rep / Marketing; EmailDave Rowe, CEO; EmailCatina Walker, Office Manager; EmailNatural Wellness SolutionsRegions Bank - Butler Snow Bldg.Profilewww.regions.com1020 Highland Colony Pkwy, Ste 100Ridgeland, MS 39157601-790-8397Fax: 601-856-8546EmailRobert Leard, Retired; EmailWalt Stephens; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsRegions Bank - RidgelandProfilewww.regions.com317 Hwy. 51 SouthRidgeland, MS 39157769-524-1400Fax: 769-524-1415EmailSollie Norwood, II, Branch Manager/Asst. V.P.; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsRegions Bank - NorthparkProfilewww.regions.com1240 E. County Line RoadRidgeland, MS 39157769-524-1360Fax: 769-524-1385EmailJesse McCallister, Branch Manager; EmailLeah Rogers; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsRegions Bank - Steed RoadProfilewww.regions.com1031 Highland Colony ParkwayRidgeland, MS 39157601-707-2200Fax: 601-856-8631Terance Latham, Branch Manager; EmailTony MeyersBanks / Credit UnionsRegions BankProfilewww.regions.com210 East Capitol Street, 4th FloorJackson, MS 39201601-354-8425Fax: 601-960-6013Banks / Credit UnionsRenaissance at Colony ParkProfilewww.renaissanceatcolonypark.com1000 Highland Colony Pkwy, #6004Ridgeland, MS 39157601-519-0900Fax: 601-519-0901Email The Renaissance at Colony Park is a Lifestyle Center masterpiece. Elegant old-world design sets architectural artistry against luxuriant landscaping with beautiful water features, all in an inviting village center that plays host to an ongoing array of special events. Vibrant. Captivating. An unrivaled venue for shopping, dining and entertainment. Renee Morris, Property Manager; EmailRetail/Shopping CentersRenasant Bank - Highland ColonyProfilewww.renasantbank.com1600 Highland Colony ParkwayMadison, MS 39110601-605-6700Fax: 601-605-4613Carlee Walley, Business Banking Officer; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsRenasant Bank - Lake HarbourProfilewww.renasantbank.com732 Lake Harbour DriveRidgeland, MS 39157601-853-3814Fax: 601-853-3834Kathy Meeks, Branch Manager Lending, AVP; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsNew SearchPrev1...16171819202122...26NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info