Membership Ridgeland… Bringing Mississippi Together Member Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...15161718192021...26NextNOLA Lending Group, a Division of Fidelity BankProfilenolalending.com196 Charmant Drive, Suite 4Ridgeland, MS 39157601-707-0101EmailEmily Brinks, Marketing Specialist; EmailAshley Corkern, Marketing Communications Specialist; EmailAndrea Hopkins, Community Development Lending Officer; EmailBrian Lott, Sales Manager; EmailLauren Wilson, Loan Officer Associate II; EmailMortgage ServicesNorthparkProfilewww.visitnorthpark.com1200 E. County Line Road, Ste. 267Ridgeland, MS 39157601-863-2300EmailMississippi's premier indoor shopping destination, Northpark, is home to more than 120 in-demand stores and specialty shops. Located in Ridgeland, Mississippi, Northpark, a community hub and destination, completed a multi-million dollar redevelopment in November of 2018. Conveniently located less than one mile east of I-55 at the intersection of County Line & Wheatley Roads, Northpark features Dillard's, JCPenney, Belk, H&M, Victoria's Secret, Windsor, Pac Sun, and Buckle as well as 120 other retailers. 12 dining options range from The Med Grille to Steak Escape, Stir Fry 88, The Stuffed Baked Potato Factory, Chick-fil-A and more. Laura Antoon, Marketing & Business Development Manager; EmailShawn Cochran, General Manager; EmailReuben Watkins, Operations Manager; EmailAlexis Wright, Local Leasing Manager; EmailRetail/Shopping CentersNuWay Realty MSProfilewww.nuwayms.com403 B Towne Center BlvdRidgeland, MS 39157601-941-2846EmailJake Clarke, Broker-Owner; EmailReal Estate Sales - Residential and/or Commercial51 Oak Place Shopping CenterProfile587 Hwy. 51Ridgeland, MS 39157601-353-2724Fax: 601-981-4551EmailBob Buchanan, Owner; EmailJimmy Johns, Leasing Agent; EmailRetail/Shopping CentersOffice Products Plus, Inc.Profilewww.opplus.com208 Park CourtRidgeland, MS 39157601-898-2600Fax: 601-853-0627EmailBusiness to business supplier of office supplies and furnitureWill Watts, President; EmailOffice Equipment/Office Furniture/Office SuppliesThe Oglesbee Group Insurance Services, LLCProfilewww.theoglesbeegroup.com7048 Old Canton Road, Suite 1006Ridgeland, MS 39157769-234-8633EmailTodd Oglesbee, Owner/Agent; EmailInsurance CompaniesOld Town Wesley ChurchProfile234 West Jackson St.Ridgeland, MS 39157601-856-6456Fax: 601-856-6494EmailRev. David Morris, Interim Minister; EmailChurchesOlde Towne Community ChurchProfilewww.oldetownecommunitychurch.com220 W. Ridgeland AvenueRidgeland, MS 39157601-856-0652EmailMarty Parks, Worship Pastor; EmailChurchesOlde Towne DentalProfileoldetownedental.com115 West Jackson Street, Suite 1CRidgeland, MS 39157769-567-1000EmailKatie Wasson, DMD, Dentist/Owner; EmailDentistsOlivia's Food Emporium, Inc.Profileoliviasfoodemporium.com637 Highway 51, Suite KRidgeland, MS 39157601-898-8333Fax: 601-898-8351EmailCurbside Service AvailableOlivia King, Owner; EmailCaterers, Food - Frozen, Gifts & Specialty ItemsOmega Electric, Inc.Profilewww.omegaelectric.net6969 Old Canton Road, Suite GRidgeland, MS 39157601-898-0899EmailKevin Holder, Manager; EmailPamela Holder, Owner; EmailContractors-Electrical, Plumbing & MechanicalOnce Upon A ChildProfilewww.onceuponachildridgeland.com1230 E. County Line Road, Suite A & BRidgeland, MS 39157769-447-5150Fax: 769-251-1094EmailUPDATE: Effective April 6th, hours of operation are Mon-Sat 10a-6p and Sun 12p-6p. Buy times are Mon-Sat 10a-5p and Sun 12p-5p.Please let customers know that we remain open. Our new hours are Mon-Sat 10-7 and Sun 12-6.Gift cards are available to purchase and we’ve launched Paypal so you can purchase items posted to FB or Instagram. Please Direct message us your name, email, address and phone number.Urica Martin, Owner; EmailApparel & Accessories, Baby Equipment/Toys/BooksOnce Upon A DressProfileOnceuponadressridgeland.com500 Highway 51, Suite URidgeland, MS 39157601-853-8088EmailAmy Heard, Owner; EmailApparel & AccessoriesOnTargetTV of MississippiProfileOnTargetTV.com1 Waterford PlaceJackson, MS 39211601-624-2300EmailFred Davis, Owner; EmailMarketing/Media, AdvertisingThe Orchard - RidgelandProfilewww.orchardretirement.com600 S. Pear Orchard RoadRidgeland, MS 39157601-856-2205Fax: 601-856-8905EmailRetirement LivingSandra Strain, Community Outreach; EmailSharon Sullivan, Office, Executive Director; EmailRetirement FacilitiesOrigin Bank - Madison Banking CenterProfilewww.Origin.bank1910 Main StreetMadison, MS 39110601-898-9890EmailRobby Carr, Vice President; EmailTiffany Rogers, Asst. Banking Center Manager; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsOrigin Bank - County Line Banking CenterProfilewww.Origin.bank1059 E. County Line Road, Suite CJackson, MS 39211769-572-3092Fax: 769-572-3106EmailIesha Odoms, Asst. Banking Center Manager; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsOrigin Bank - Highland ColonyProfilewww.Origin.bank1063 Highland Colony Pkwy.Ridgeland, MS 39157601-856-3380Fax: 601-856-3398EmailDeposit, Loan and Mortgage ServicesWill Loftin, Regional Manager; EmailAllison Lunsford, Public Relations Specialist; EmailJonnette Moss, Regional Production Manager; EmailLakeita Pitts; EmailLarry Ratzlaff, State President of MS; EmailBanks / Credit Unions, Mortgage ServicesOrigin Bank - Jackson Banking CenterProfilewww.Origin.bank120 City Center DriveJackson, MS 39211601-718-3200Fax: 601-856-8191EmailKristie Thomas, Banking Center Manager; EmailBanks / Credit UnionsPafford EMSProfilepaffordems.com223 Highpoint DriveRidgeland, MS 39157601-640-1000Fax: 601-640-1001EmailPenny Dunn, Accounts Payable; EmailMary Kotev, Executive Assistant; EmailFreddie Parker, Operations Director; EmailTerry Wages, Chief Strategist/Public Relations; EmailAmbulance ServicesNew SearchPrev1...15161718192021...26NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us / Request Info