Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev12345678NextCottage CoutureProfile S. SoileauVille Platte, LA 70586337-363-3388EmailMaggie Eades; EmailBoutiques & Specialty ShopsDance & GymProfile Box 933Ville Platte, LA 70586337-459-2669EmailBarbara FontenotVeronica Manuel; EmailSports & Recreation InstructionDoug Ashy Building MaterialsProfileP.O. Box 929Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-2106EmailLumberDr. Kirk SoileauProfileP. O. Box 87Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-2514Fax: 337-363-2489EmailDr. Kirk Soileau; EmailDentists/Dental Labs/Dental CareDry MaxProfile West LaSalleVille Platte, LA 70586337-857-3670EmailNicole Wenger; EmailCleanersDupre Medical ClinicProfile1008 W. Main St.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-5531EmailAnna Fontenot; EmailPhysicians & SurgeonsEdward JonesProfile West Main St., Ste. 1Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-7870Fax: 866-462-8996EmailPeter Strawitz, III; EmailDana Morales; EmailFinancial & Financial AdvisorsEvangeline Chamber of CommerceProfileevangelinechamber.comLA 70586EmailEvangeline Council on Aging, INCProfile O Box 312Ville Platte, LA 70586337-766-0060EmailMrs. Lisa Derouen, Executive Director; EmailOrganizationsEvangeline Drug StoreProfile Box 370Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-3456EmailBernard LeBas; EmailDrug Store/PharmacyEvangeline Eye CareProfile508 McArthur StVille Platte, LA 70586337-327-8447EmailGinger Delafosse; EmailOptical, Optometrists, Opticians & Optical LabsEvangeline Made GoodsProfile Vidrine RdVille Platte, LA 70586337-655-0840EmailErin Billiot, Owner; EmailBakeriesEvangeline Memorial ParkProfile Hwy 167 N.Ville Platte, LA 70586337-410-1026EmailSharon Blankenship; EmailRodney Jenkins; EmailFuneral Homes & Memorial ParksEvangeline Parish Clerk of CourtProfile Drawer 347Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-5671EmailRandall Deshotel; EmailGovernmentEvangeline Parish District AttorneyProfile O. Drawer 780Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-3438EmailTrent Brignac; EmailAttorneysEvangeline Parish Farm Bureau IncProfileP. O. Box 70Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-2111EmailKristie Mayeux; EmailInsuranceEvangeline Parish School DistrictProfile Te Mamou RdVille Platte, LA 70586337-363-6651EmailDr. Darwan Lazard; EmailSchools, Colleges & EducationEvangeline Parish Solid WasteProfile O Drawer 690Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-7254EmailPat Derouselle; EmailTrash Hauling-CommercialEvangeline Parish Tax AssessorProfile Court Street, Suite 103Ville Platte, LA 70586337-363-4310EmailJosh FontenotChris Guillory; EmailReal Estate Appraisers, Real Estate-Commercial & ResidentialEvangeline Parish Ward 1 Industrial Park (EPPJ)Profile1008 W. LaSalle StreetVille Platte, LA 70586337-831-1449EmailDr. Tojo Ward; EmailIndustrial ParkNew SearchPrev12345678NextEvangeline Chamber Member Directory | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events | Job Search | Member Promotions | News | Request for Information