Visit Nebraska Opens Grant Cycle and Promotes Marketing Opportunities
Visit Nebraska Opens
Grant Cycle and Promotes Marketing Opportunities
If you are looking for funding to promote an event or attraction to travelers, please read on!!
LINCOLN, Neb. – Visit Nebraska’s application cycle is now open for both the Visit Nebraska Marketing Grand Program and Community Impact Grant Program. The programs offer funding opportunities to organizations to promote their events, destinations, community or region to travelers.
“Keeping Nebraska an exceptional place to visit is always a top priority, and the grant program is key in doing that,” said John Ricks, Visit Nebraska executive director. “Destinations and tourism attractions can get assistance to promote their marketing campaigns and events to travelers, all to showcase to visitors what our state has to offer.”
The Visit Nebraska Marketing Grant Program encourages applicants to request funding for a variety of marketing activities to promote their destination or event which include development of professional photography, participating in tourism industry seminars, taking part in a variety of marketing efforts and more.
Through the Community Impact Grant program, large-scale events can apply for marketing assistance to attract out-of-state visitors in an effort to generate favorable national or international press coverage for the state.
The grant cycle is open until December 18, 2024. Grant recipients will be announced February 14, 2025. Click here to view the grant guidelines:
For more information about travel, events and unique destinations in Nebraska, order your free travel guide today at Then stay connected with Nebraska Tourism on our Visit Nebraska Facebook page, on X, on Pinterest, on Instagram and on YouTube.
The mission of Visit Nebraska is to expand Nebraska’s dynamic and diverse travel industry making it more viable by creating awareness, attracting increased visitors which results in greater tourism revenue and economic gain throughout the state. To learn more, go to
Jenn Gjerde at 402-525-4455, or
Ben Jones at 402-326-9941, or
Grant Administrator: Heather Hogue at 402-471-3774, or