Offering 1 - 3 month leases for 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartments in Bald
Knob for $820 - $785 per month (depending on length of lease). Up to 5
occupants allowed with one application and verification of employment.
Electricity, water, sewage, and garbage utilities included so you can avoid
those annoying utility deposits (and bills).
Perfect for pipeliners, O&G workers, or temporary assignments in the
Compare to a hotel at $48/night- that's a savings of $620 a month for you and your company. Direct billing from your employer can be arranged if applicable and online rent payments are available.
A) Must be 18yrs or older
B) Application fee of $75.00, Deposit of $175.00
C) Signer must pass screening
D) All occupants, excepting spouses or legal guardianship, must be employed by
the same entity.
E) Verification by employer of employment and assignment to the area
Contact Info:
Real Property Management Delta
Available from 03/01/2017 thru 03/31/2017