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Tuesday, June 08, 2021Event

Parking(ing) Day Informational Zoom

Join Us For An Informational Discussion
As We Present Plymouth Park(ing) Day 2021!

Park(ing) Day is an annual global event where the community and business members collaborate to transform on-street parking into temporary public park-like spaces! You too, can transform America's Hometown, Downtown Plymouth for the day!

Businesses are encouraged to create an engaging experience for the public to enjoy. From yoga classes and wine tastings to entertainment, poetry reading, park seating, hammocks and more....the possibilities are endless on how to turn your parking space into a temporary slice of enjoyment.

We hope to have Park(ing) Day Friday, August 6, 2021!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 9:00 AM thru 10:00 AM
For More Info:
Bob Nolet

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