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Free Workshop Series for Small Business Owners and New Entrepreneurs
08/08/2016 03:53 PM
Milford, CT, August 8, 2016:  The City of Milford’s Economic and Community Development and the Milford Regional Chamber of Commerce have partnered with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s CT District Office, the Greater New Haven Score Chapter and Connecticut Procurement Technical Assistance Program to offer free seminars for small business owners and those thinking of about entering the world of entrepreneurship.

This will be a four part series ranging in topics from starting your own business to how to navigate the State and Federal bid process. "Small businesses are the lifeblood of any local community; this is an incredible opportunity for Milford entrepreneurs to better understand what it takes to be successful," said Mayor Benjamin Blake.

Please find more information on the series below.  All workshops will run 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at The Parson’s Government Center, 70 West River Street, Milford, Connecticut 06460.  

Wednesday September 7, 2016: How to Start Your Own Business (Conference Room B): Have you ever thought about starting a business?  Doing it right from the start is a key to your success.  A great place to start is this free seminar that helps point you in the right direction.  This seminar will cover topics such as choosing a business name/structure, licensing, registrations, etc.

Wednesday September 14, 2016: ABCs of a Business Plan and Understanding a SWOT Analysis (Conference Room C): How important is it to have a Business Plan? Do you know what a SWOT Analysis is? Can the two be connected?  You will learn the importance of both, what they are used for, what information they should contain and what they say about your business.

Wednesday September 21, 2016: How to Finance Your Small Business (Conference Room B): Finding capital for your small business is NOT impossible. Get pointers from the SBA about SBA’s guaranteed loan program and micro-loan program as well as other lending programs.

Wednesday September 28, 2016: Contracting 101 (Conference Room B): This seminar will cover where you need to be registered to do business with the State of Connecticut and Federal Government.  You will be shown the websites for locating federal bids over $25,000 and the State’s bid portal where State and Municipal bids can be found.  Also covered will be State and Federal Set-aside programs.

To register contact Lisa Powell at 860.240.4892 or or for more information please call Julie Nash, Economic and Community Development Director at 203-783-3230.
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